Announcements from the Bulletin for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Here are the announcements from the Bulletin for the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time:

The Solemn Reception of the Body of Fr Gabriel and Vigil Liturgy will be on Monday 19th June at the Old Monastery commencing at 3pm and concluding around 7pm.
The Order of Service will be the following:
3pm: Reception of the Body, procession into the Old Monastery Chapel and opening of the coffin along with the Funeral Vigil Liturgy.
4pm: Rosary (Joyful Mysteries)
5pm: Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries)
6pm: Solemn Vespers and closing of the coffin.

Refreshments will be available in the conference room in the Old Monastery.

The Solemn Pontifical Funeral Mass for Fr Gabriel will be in the Shrine Church on Tuesday 20th June commencing at 11am.
The Order of the day is as follows:
8am: Reception of the Body and procession into the Shrine Church
8:30am: Solemn Morning Prayer of the Church
9am: Viewing in the Shrine Church
9:30am: Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)
10:15am: Closing of the coffin and Rosary (Glorious Mysteries)
10:40am: Singing of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
11am: Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass

Burial will follow the Mass and will take place at St Patrick’s cemetery, Sutton Forest.

Wake and Refreshments to follow at St Paul’s Parish Hall (24 Garrett Street, Moss Vale).

Thank you very much to the few volunteers who turned up to help. It is planned to have a working Bee in the third Saturday of each month. Next working bee: Saturday 15th July.


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