The Re-enactment of Our Lord’s Passion – The Good Friday “Passion Play”

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Passion Play

Every Good Friday at 11 am, the Shrine organises a Re-enactment of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. It is very well done with countless actors. It is a significant event in the life of the Shrine, drawing about 7000 people each year. The Liturgy of Good Friday is celebrated at the Shrine after the Re-Enactment of the Passion at 3 pm in the Shrine Church. The Live Re-enactment of the Passion offers a great way to spend the Good Friday Public Holiday, with confessions in the morning, the Passion Play, the Liturgy and an excellent site for a meat-less BBQ with the family (Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence from meat, there’s a challenge for you).

Good Friday Timetable
11 amThe Re-enactment of the Lord’s Passion (Passion Play) to meditate on the suffering of Our Lord on His way to Calvary will commence at the entrance gate at 11 am, and the gates to the property will be closed and locked at 10.30 am.
 Please arrive early for parking and follow all directions of the parking wardens.
3 pmLiturgy of the Lord’s Passion at 3 pm in the Shrine Church includes the Liturgy of the Word, Adoration of the Holy Cross and Holy  Communion.

You can see full recordings of The Re-enactment of Our Lord’s Passion on the following YouTube channel