Fatima Day – 13th of December 2023

Home » Fatima Day » Fatima Day – 13th of December 2023

Fr Adam Carlow, newly ordained Priest for the Diocese of Parramatta will be the celebrant for December for our Fatima Day on the 13th. Fr Adam will be bestowing his first blessing upon the faithful in attendance and receiving the blessing from a newly ordained Priest, the faithful are eligible to receive a plenary indulgence. The conditions to receive a plenary indulgence are to go to Confession, Mass and receive Holy Communion, then to pray for the intentions of the Holy Father (Our Father, Hail Mary & Glory be).

The program will be as follows:

  • 10 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
  • 10:30 am Rosary
  • 11 am Solemn Mass
  • 12 noon Lunch
  • 1:30 pm Eucharistic Procession to the Gotto while reciting the Rosary.
  • 2 pm Prayers and Devotions at the Gotto, and blessing of pilgrims.
Fatima Day

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