Announcements for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Home » Bulletin » Announcements for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Fatima

Here are the announcements for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 4th of February:

OUR LADY OF LOURDES (Sunday 11th February)
In honour of our Lady of Lourdes, Patroness of all those with illness seeking healing, the Rite of anointing of the sick will be offered after each of the scheduled Sunday Masses. The anointing is for those seeking healing either physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

These will soon be available for purchase to help guide people through the season of Lent. This is a great resource prepared for people by the Diocese of Wollongong. Price for the booklets will be $10 each.

This will commence the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday is a day of Fasting and Abstinence. Masses at the Shrine will be celebrated at 11am (followed by the Stations of the Cross) & 6pm. The stations of the cross will be prayed each Friday & Saturday after the 11am Mass during which confession will also be available.

The annual reenactment of the Lord’s Passion (Passion Play) will take place in the Shrine, commencing at 11am on Good Friday 29th March. Please note, this is free and open to all, no bookings need to be made. Food & drink will also be available for purchase. Good Friday is also a day of Fasting and abstinence, Pilgrims are allowed to picnic on site but we ask that NO meat is consumed or BBQed on the day.

Fr Richard, Prior of the Monastery, is on annual leave to Monday 12th February. During this time Fr Joseph, Subprior will be in charge. We wish Father Richard a happy and safe holiday. Br Matthew will also be leaving for his holiday on 5th February. We pray that he will have a good and restful time away and come back refreshed.

The monthly working bees will recommence for 2024. This takes place on the third Saturday of the month. Mass is celebrated in the Shrine Church at 8:15am and work commences about 9am. A BBQ lunch is provided for all who participate. Please consider coming to assist as many hands make light work as well as pilgrims can already see the great effect that is beautifying the Shrine. For more information or to volunteer please speak to Fr Joseph Maria. The next working bee will be: Saturday 17th February

Thank you to all who provided something for the morning tea after the 8am Mass last week. The morning teas are proving to be popular especially for pilgrims to meet one another and have a chat in a social setting. In January there will be NO morning tea. The next Morning Tea will be: Sunday 18th February 2024.


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