Announcements for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Here are the announcements for the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 8th of September:

The celebrations planned on the weekend of the 24/25th August, to honour and celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mercy, was a sterling success. A very special Thank you goes to Mr Stephen Smith and his Schola (Gregorian Chant Choir) for providing the music for the Masses and the Liturgy of the Hours. The singing definitely lifted the soul and took all attending to another level, we look forward to welcoming them back at a later stage. Thank you also goes to Bishop Columba for presiding at the ceremonies and for his awe inspiring homilies. And a Thank you to all who helped in some way shape or form. It was a great way to celebrate the Solemnity during this 40th Anniversary of the Shrine.

Br Paul returned back to Rome this past week to continue with his studies. He had a great time at the Shrine and we Thank him for his work during this time and his talk that he gave at all the Masses last week. Please continue to pray for Br Paul and for good vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life, especially to the Order of St Paul the First Hermit.

The main celebrant for September will be Fr Likisone Tominiko, a newly ordained Priest for the Archdiocese of Sydney. Fr Likisone will be giving his first blessing to all who participate in the day and those who receive the blessing can gain a plenary indulgence, fulfilling the usual conditions.

Thank you to all who came and participated in the working bee. The next working bee will be on Saturday 21st September. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

Major work on the Shrine Church commenced on Wednesday 14th August. The copper gutters will all be repined and all galvanised down pipes, gutters and flashings (which have rotted through with age) will be replaced. The total cost of the job is $29,000.00. The work is progressing well and will be finished within the coming week. The job is being done by a local company, “Reliable Roofing” from Moss Vale. For anyone who would like to donate towards the renovation work please speak to Fr Richard, alternatively you can use the tap and go points or make a direct transfer to the Pauline Fathers. Details are as follows: BSB: 062 576 Account Number: 00910786 Account Name: Order of St Paul the Hermit
Thank you for your understanding and also a huge thank you to those who have already made donations towards the work. Thank you for your generosity.

Over the past year year we had a trial to organically develop a Shrine hymnbook cover the hymns sung and devotions celebrated. This took place from Ash Wednesday 2023-Ash Wednesday 2024. This past week the finalised product arrived and has been distributed in the Church. A huge THANK YOU to Fr Joseph Maria for coordinating and working on the hymnbook along with the musicians. This has been a mammoth task and one that we can enjoy in years to come.
Please note: The hymnbooks are NOT to be taken from the church.

Next weekend 14th/15th September a collection will be take up to assist Catholic Missions either their appeal. Envelopes are available on the information table of the Church.

This happens once a month on the third Sunday of the month. All pilgrims are welcome to attend and of course encourage to bring something along to share. This is a lovely opportunity to meet fellow pilgrims and the Pauline community. The next morning tea will be on Sunday 15th September.


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