Announcements for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Here are the announcements for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 15th of September:

A very big THANK YOU to Fr Likisone Tominiko, for accepting the invitation to be main celebrant of Fatima day and as usual it was a great success. The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Balvo will be the main celebrant for October. Please note there will be a slightly different schedule to Fatima Day as it will conclude the celebrations for the 40th Anniversary. This will be published from next weekend onwards.

This morning (15th September) after the 8am Mass all are invited and welcome to pop up to the Old Monastery for morning tea. This is a lovely opportunity to meet fellow pilgrims and the Pauline community. The next morning tea will be on Sunday 27th October.

This weekend 14th/15th September a collection will be take up after Holy Communion to assist Catholic Missions in their annual appeal. Envelopes are also available on the pews for those wishing for a receipt or to give via credit card.

The next working bee will be on Saturday 21st September. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

Over the past year year we had a trial to organically develop a Shrine hymnbook cover the hymns sung and devotions celebrated. This took place from Ash Wednesday 2023-Ash Wednesday 2024. This past week the finalised product arrived and has been distributed in the Church. A huge THANK YOU to Fr Joseph Maria for coordinating and working on the hymnbook along with the musicians. This has been a mammoth task and one that we can enjoy in years to come.
Please note: The hymnbooks are NOT to be taken from the church.


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