Divine Mercy Sunday – Holy Hour

On Divine Mercy Sunday, the Sunday Mass schedule will be as per normal, Solemn Mass at 11am.

There will be a Holy Hour from 2pm-3pm in the Shrine Church. The Schedule is:

  • 2pm – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Spiritual talk
  • 2:20pm – Silent Adoration
  • 2:40pm – Chaplet, Litany and Prayer of Divine Mercy
  • 3pm – Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Conclusion

After the conclusion, there will be the blessing of religious articles and devotionals purchased from the religious shop or brought along for the occasion

Announcements for Easter Sunday

Here are the announcements for Easter Sunday, the 31st of March:


A reminder that all Catholics are obliged to go to Confession and Communion at least once a year between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday (15th June 2024).

The Novena began on Good Friday and culminates in the Solemnity of Divine Mercy, celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter. If you would like your intentions added please fill out the novena slip on the side table in the Church and return to one of the members of the community.

Sunday Mass schedule as per normal, Solemn Mass at 11am. There will be a Holy Hour from 2pm-3pm in the Shrine Church, Schedule is:
2pm – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Spiritual talk
2:20pm – Silent Adoration
2:40pm – Chaplet, Litany and Prayer of Divine Mercy
3pm – Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Conclusion
After the conclusion there will be the blessing of religious articles and devotionals purchased from the religious shop or brought along for the occasion.

A very heartfelt THANK YOU to all cast and crew who participated in the annual Passion play. Good Friday was a great success drawing over 8000 pilgrims to the Shrine. This will only get bigger and better in the years to come. God bless you all.

The Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday & Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil) was a sterling success. Thank you to all who participated and helped make this a very spiritually uplifting experience. It was a great example of the splendour of the liturgy in our Catholic faith.

It is with great joy that after many, many years, much work and money spent that the new toilet block is officially opened. The occupation certificate was granted on Holy Wednesday and was opened in time for the 8000 plus people on Good Friday. A very heartfelt THANK YOU goes to Michael Brearley for his immense time and effort is getting this across the line. He and I have been working hard for the past eight months with our builder to finish all required construction etc for the block as well as to get all the necessary paperwork in order for approval. There is still quite a bit of work to do now in landscaping and accessibility but the toilet block is now open and in operation. A sigh of relief all round! Thank you to all our pilgrims for your donations, prayers, support and patience while this project was undertaken, it has taken a long time, but the goal is achieved. God bless you all!
Fr Richard

Divine Mercy Altar in the Shrine Church

Divine Mercy Sunday and Novena

Here are the times when the Novena to Divine Mercy will be said in the Shrine in the lead-up to Divine Mercy Sunday, when a Holy Hour will be kept from 2 pm.

If you would like your intentions included in the Novena, please go here.

Good Friday (29th March)
5 pm – Novena to Divine Mercy

Holy Saturday (30th March)
11:30 am – Novena to the Divine Mercy

Easter Sunday (31st March)
8 am, 9:30 am & 11 am Mass
Divine Mercy Novena – immediately following each of the Masses

Easter Octave (1st-6th April)
11 am Mass followed by the Novena to the Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy Sunday (7th April)
8 am & 9:30 am
11 am – Solemn Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday
2 pm – Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Confession available)

Holy Week Schedule

11am – Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday & Wednesday (25th, 26th & 27th March)

Holy Thursday (28th March)
No Mass at 11am
6pm – Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (with washing of the feet)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – until midnight

Good Friday (29th March)
10:30am – Front gate closed
11am – Passion Play (commencing at the front gate of the property)
3pm – Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
5pm – Novena to Divine Mercy
7pm – Vespers (Prayer of the Church)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am until 10pm

Holy Saturday (30th March)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am to Midday
8:30am – Lauds (Prayer of the Church)
11:30am – Novena to the Divine Mercy
7pm – Solemn Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday (31st March)
8am & 9:30am
11am – Solemn Mass of Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Novena – immediately following each of the Masses

Easter Octave (1st-6th April)
11am Mass followed by the Novena to the Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy Sunday (7th April)
8am & 9:30am
11am – Solemn Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday
2pm – Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Confession available)

Announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Here are the announcements for Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, the 24th of March:

A reminder that all Catholics are obliged to go the Confession and Communion at least once a year between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday (15th June 2024).

Today, Palm Sunday (24th March) Confession will be available 30 minutes before and during the usual scheduled Masses. This is to give all pilgrims a chance to go to reconciliation before Easter.

Each year the Priests of the Diocese gather with Bishop Brian to celebrate the Chrism Mass. During the Mass the Priests renew their Ordination promises and the oils of the Church are blessed and consecrated. The annual Chrism Mass will be celebrated at 7pm on Tuesday 26th March 2024 at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral, Wollongong. Please pray for the Priests of our Diocese.

The annual reenactment of the Lord’s Passion (Passion Play) will take place in the Shrine, commencing at 11am on Good Friday 29th March. Please note, this is free and open to all, no bookings need to be made. Food & drink will also be available for purchase. Good Friday is also a day of Fasting and abstinence, Pilgrims are allowed to picnic on site but we ask that NO meat is consumed or BBQed on the day. There are still some roles that need to be filled, for more information and to receive updates regarding rehearsals etc please go to: https://goodfridaypassionplay.blogspot.com/ and sign up to receive notifications.

Palm Sunday (24th March)
8am & 9:30am – Mass commencing from the front door of the Monastery
11am – Solemn Mass with Procession commencing from the Statue of St John Paul II

11am – Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday & Wednesday (25th, 26th & 27th March)

Holy Thursday (28th March)
No Mass at 11am
6pm – Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (with washing of the feet)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – until midnight

Good Friday (29th March)
11am – Passion Play (commencing at the front gate of the property)
3pm – Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
5pm – Novena to Divine Mercy
7pm – Vespers (Prayer of the Church)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am until 10pm

Holy Saturday (30th March)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am to Midday
8:30am – Lauds (Prayer of the Church)
11:30am – Novena to the Divine Mercy
7pm – Solemn Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday (31st March)
8am & 9:30am
11am – Solemn Mass of Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Novena – immediately following each of the Masses

Easter Octave (1st-6th April)
11am Mass followed by the Novena to the Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy Sunday (7th April)
8am & 9:30am
11am – Solemn Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday
2pm – Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Confession available)

Announcements for the Fifth Sunday of Lent

Here are the announcements for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, the 17th of March:

The Solemnity of St Patrick (Patron of Australia) is liturgically celebrated this year on Monday 18th March and the Solemnity of St Joseph is celebrated as per usual on Tuesday 19th March. There will be a Solemn Mass celebrated on each of these days at 11am. Please come along and participate and let us pray for our country and for our Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

This past week Fr Richard has been been elected and appointed as the representative for Religious on the Council of Priests for the Diocese of Wollongong. Please keep him in your prayers as he begins this new appointment.

A reminder that all Catholics are obliged to go the Confession and Communion at least once a year between Ash Wednesday and Trinity Sunday (15th June 2024).

Next Sunday, Palm Sunday (24th March) Confession will be available 30 minutes before and during the usual scheduled Masses. This is to give all pilgrims a chance to go to reconciliation before Easter.

The stations of the cross will be prayed each Friday & Saturday after the 11am Mass during which confession will also be available.

The annual reenactment of the Lord’s Passion (Passion Play) will take place in the Shrine, commencing at 11am on Good Friday 29th March. Please note, this is free and open to all, no bookings need to be made. Food & drink will also be available for purchase. Good Friday is also a day of Fasting and abstinence, Pilgrims are allowed to picnic on site but we ask that NO meat is consumed or BBQed on the day. There are still some roles that need to be filled, for more information and to receive updates regarding rehearsals etc please go to: https://goodfridaypassionplay.blogspot.com/ and sign up to receive notifications.

Palm Sunday (24th March)
8am & 9:30am – Mass commencing from the front door of the Monastery
11am – Solemn Mass with Procession commencing from the Statue of St John Paul II

11am – Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday & Wednesday (25th, 26th & 27th March)

Holy Thursday (28th March)
No Mass at 11am
6pm – Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (with washing of the feet)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – until midnight

Good Friday (29th March)
11am – Passion Play (commencing at the front gate of the property)
3pm – Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
5pm – Novena to Divine Mercy
7pm – Vespers (Prayer of the Church)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am until 10pm

Holy Saturday (30th March)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am to Midday
8:30am – Lauds (Prayer of the Church)
11:30am – Novena to the Divine Mercy
7pm – Solemn Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday (31st March)
8am & 9:30am
11am – Solemn Mass of Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Novena – immediately following each of the Masses

Easter Octave (1st-6th April)
11am Mass followed by the Novena to the Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy Sunday (7th April)
8am & 9:30am
11am – Solemn Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday
2pm – Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Confession available)

March Working Bee

The working bee this month will focus on the gardens around the Old Monastery. There are parts of our up coming Good Friday Passion Play that are at the Old Monastery, so we are looking to clean the area up as much as we can.

The program for the day would be:

  • Mass at around 8:15 am in the Shrine Church
  • Begin work at 9 am at the back of the property
  • BBQ lunch around 1:30 pm

The work will be everything from removing weeds and trimming plants and mulching the garden.

Solid shoes and gloves would be

Announcements for the Fourth Sunday of Lent

Here are the announcements for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, the 10th of March:

The stations of the cross will be prayed each Friday & Saturday after the 11am Mass during which confession will also be available.

The annual reenactment of the Lord’s Passion (Passion Play) will take place in the Shrine, commencing at 11am on Good Friday 29th March. Please note, this is free and open to all, no bookings need to be made. Food & drink will also be available for purchase. Good Friday is also a day of Fasting and abstinence, Pilgrims are allowed to picnic on site but we ask that NO meat is consumed or BBQed on the day. There are still some roles that need to be filled, for more information and to receive updates regarding rehearsals etc please go to: https://goodfridaypassionplay.blogspot.com/ and sign up to receive notifications.

Palm Sunday (24th March)
8am & 9:30am – Mass commencing from the front door of the Monastery
11am – Solemn Mass with Procession commencing from the Statue of St John Paul II

11am – Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday & Wednesday (25th, 26th & 27th March)

Holy Thursday (28th March)
No Mass at 11am
6pm – Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (with washing of the feet)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – until midnight

Good Friday (29th March)
11am – Passion Play (commencing at the front gate of the property)
3pm – Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
5pm – Novena to Divine Mercy
7pm – Vespers (Prayer of the Church)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am until 10pm

Holy Saturday (30th March)
Adoration at the Altar of Repose – 8am to Midday
8:30am – Lauds (Prayer of the Church)
11:30am – Novena to the Divine Mercy
7pm – Solemn Easter Vigil Mass

Easter Sunday (31st March)
8am & 9:30am – Mass
11am – Solemn Mass of Easter Sunday
Divine Mercy Novena – immediately following each of the Masses

Easter Octave (1st-6th April)
11am Mass followed by the Novena to the Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy Sunday (7th April)
8am & 9:30am – Mass
11am – Solemn Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday
2pm – Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Confession available)