Here are the announcements for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 23rd of February:
Bishop Brian Mascord, Bishop of Wollongong has appointed 6 Churches as official pilgrimage sites during this year of Jubilee. The Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park is one of those six, which Bishop Brian came to inaugurate here on the 12th of January. Therefore during this year, anyone coming on pilgrimage to the Shrine can gain a Plenary indulgence (full remission of sin and the punishments incurred) by fulfilling the requirements of: Visiting the Shrine, Confession, Mass with Holy Communion and prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father. This is a great honour for the Shrine, and we welcome all our pilgrims to come along and celebrate the Jubilee year. Events will be planned throughout the year, so please stay tuned to our website and social media for more information.
From 18th January 2025, Fr Richard, Prior & Rector of the Shrine will be on annual leave. During his absence, Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior & Vice Rector, will be in charge. We pray that Fr Richard will have a pleasant and safe holiday and come back refreshed.
Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the monthly working bee. All your help is greatly appreciated. The next working bee will be on Saturday 15th March 2025. Please consider coming along and helping to keep the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. Please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior for more information or specifics.
ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always, it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit, please let Fr Richard know.
The next morning tea after Mass will be on Sunday 16th March 2025. All Welcome!
The novena to St Joseph, will be celebrated from 10th – 18th March 2025. For anyone wishing to include their intentions in the novena, forms are available on the side table of the Shrine Church as well as they can be found online via the Shrine website. St Joseph, pray for us!
Saturday, the 5th of April, we will have our First Saturday Devotions in Honour of Our Lady, as she requested during the apparitions at Fatima. In addition for the Lenten Season, we will have an extended program to turn the day into a full-day Lenten retreat. The retreat will start at 10 am and finish at 3 pm. The retreat is Free to attend with No Booking. BYO lunch, but tea and coffee are provided in the Old Monastery.