Our Lady of Fatima

Announcements for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements from our bulletin for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Both the Vigil (Monday 19th June) and the day of the funeral (Tuesday 20th June) were great successes and most befitting a farewell to our beloved Fr Gabriel. The community and Australian Province once again wish to Thank Fr Richard for organising / coordinating the funeral and all details pertaining to it. Fr Richard once again wishes to Thank all who came to participate and farewell Fr Gabriel and especially all those who helped him in preparing for the vigil, funeral and wake. Fr Gabriel’s family also wish to Thank everyone for their prayers, love and support at this hard time. They appreciate all the condolences received and good wishes from pilgrims.

Fr Richard has purchased two golf buggy’s for the benefit of pilgrims coming to the Shrine, especially for Fatima Day or any major solemnity. He is looking for people interested in driving them. For anyone interested please speak to Fr Richard or one of the community.

It is planned to have a working Bee on the third Saturday of each month starting round 9am with Mass at 8am for anyone wishing to attend. Next working bee: Saturday 15th July. For anyone seeking further information or would like to volunteer please speak to Fr Joseph Maria.

Fr Richard is looking for people interested in reading at the Sunday Masses. It is always good to have a few people and if this is achieved a roster can be created for each of the Masses. Please speak to Fr Richard and specify which particular Sunday Mass you would like to read at and the regularity you can offer.

As many of you know the original Monastery which began in Penrose Park was demolished due to compromises in the integrity of the building and a new “Old Monastery” was constructed in its place. It was never really finished but over the past month, Fr Richard, Fr Joseph and a couple of volunteers have finished it and brought it up to a usable standard. There are 4 rooms available for individuals or couples wishing to come and spend some time at Penrose Park ($30 without linen & $40 with linen). There is also a decent conference room. Fr Richard intends to start monthly morning teas after the 8am Mass t the old monastery starting in September when the weather warms up. If there is anyone interested in helping to organise/coordinate this please speak to Fr Richard.

Photos of the Funeral of Fr Gabriel

Yesterday we shared some photos from the Vigil. Today, we have some photos to share from the Funeral of Fr Gabriel Taylor, which was on the 20th of June.

O Lord, God of mercy, we pray that you may welcome your deceased Servant and our Brother Gabriel Taylor, that he may share in the glory of Your Resurrection with you and your Saints, Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

Shrine Church

Announcements from the bulletin for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements from the Shrine Bulletin for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time:

Both the Vigil and the day of the funeral were great successes and most befitting a farewell to our beloved Fr Gabriel.
The community and Australian Province firstly wish to Thank Fr Richard for organising / coordinating the funeral and all details pertaining to it.
Fr Richard wishes to Thank all who came to participate and farewell Fr Gabriel and especially all those who helped him in preparing for the vigil, funeral and wake.
Fr Gabriel’s family also wish to Thank everyone for their prayers, love and support at this hard time. They appreciate all the condolences received and good wishes from pilgrims.

Many people commented at the amazing music at Fr Gabriel’s funeral. The are a group called “Prima Luce” and they specialise in Church music especially chant and the Traditional Latin Mass. We will be using them from time to time to enhance the beauty and dignity of our Shrine Liturgy. A special Thank you also goes to our organist, Mr Michael Taylor who played the hymns and accompanied Prima Luce in some of the pieces.

Thank you very much to the few volunteers who turned up to help last Saturday 17th June. It is planned to have a working Bee on the third Saturday of each month starting round 9am with Mass at 8am for anyone wishing to attend. Next working bee: Saturday 15th July.

Fr Richard is looking for people interested in reading at the Sunday Masses. It is always good to have a few people and if this is achieved a roster can be created for each of the Masses. Please speak to Fr Richard and specify which particular Sunday Mass you would like to read at and the regularity you can offer.

As many of you know the original Monastery which began in Penrose Park was demolished due to compromises in the integrity of the building and a new “Old Monastery” was constructed in its place. It was never really finished but over the past month, Fr Richard, Fr Joseph and a couple of volunteers have finished it and brought it up to a usable standard. There are 4 rooms available for individuals or couples wishing to come and spend some time at Penrose Park ($30 without linen & $40 with linen). There is also a decent conference room. Fr Richard intends to start monthly morning teas after the 8am Mass at the old monastery starting in September when the weather warms up. If there is anyone interested in helping to organise/coordinate this please speak to Fr Richard.

Funeral of Fr Gabriel Taylor

The Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy is now ready for the arrival of Fr Gabriel Taylor for his funeral tomorrow.

We would like to advise that there will be no live streaming of the funeral because of technical difficulties due to the remoteness of the Shrine and the lack of a reliable internet connection.

However, the funeral will be recorded, and the video uploaded to our website after.


Fr Gabriel passed away peacefully on Thursday 8th June at about 3:30pm at Holy Family Services nursing home in Marayong. Fr Gabriel recently celebrated his 32nd anniversary of Priestly Ordination. He is known for his gentle and approachable nature, a man both of God and of the people. He was always one for a smile and a laugh. Fr Gabriel was a very well renowned confessor with many pilgrims coming especially on Fatima Day (13th of each month) just so as they can go to him to confession. Fr Gabriel has been in Penrose Park for the past 12 years filling various offices and roles within the monastic community. Due to his declining health in 2016, he resigned as Prior of the Monastery and Rector of the Shrine. Over the past year he has battled with a cancer on his head which had gone through to the bone and exposing the brain thus making it untreatable. In November 2022, Fr Gabriel was given 2-5 years depending on the spread of the cancer and in December 2022, he was admitted into Holy Family Services, Marayong to receive the full care that he deserved. Unfortunately over the past 4 months the cancer spread rapidly and was found to be untreatable and affected him physically, causing paralysis and slowly shutting his body down. Fr Gabriel will be truly missed both as a member of the Shrine community and the Pauline Province of Australia. May he Rest in Peace!

The Solemn Reception of the Body of Fr Gabriel and Vigil Liturgy will be on Monday 19th June at the Old Monastery commencing at 3pm and concluding around 7pm.
The Order of Service will be the following:
3pm: Reception of the Body, procession into the Old Monastery Chapel and opening of the coffin along with the Funeral Vigil Liturgy.
4pm: Rosary (Joyful Mysteries)
5pm: Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries)
6pm: Solemn Vespers and closing of the coffin.

Refreshments will be available in the conference room in the Old Monastery.

The Solemn Pontifical Funeral Mass for Fr Gabriel will be in the Shrine Church on Tuesday 20th June commencing at 11am.
The Order of the day is as follows:
8am: Reception of the Body and procession into the Shrine Church
8:30am: Solemn Morning Prayer of the Church
9am: Viewing in the Shrine Church
9:30am: Rosary (Luminous Mysteries)
10:15am: Closing of the coffin and Rosary (Glorious Mysteries)
10:40am: Singing of the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
11am: Solemn Pontifical Requiem Mass

Burial will follow the Mass and will take place at St Patrick’s cemetery, Sutton Forest.

Wake and Refreshments to follow at St Paul’s Parish Hall (24 Garrett Street, Moss Vale).