Announcements for the 3rd Sunday of Advent

Here are the announcements for the 3rd Sunday of Advent, the 15th of December:

A very big THANK YOU to Fr Albert Wasniowski OSPPE, assistant Priest of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield, for accepting our invitation to be the Celebrant for December, it was great to welcome him back to the Shrine. As usual Fatima day was a success, Thank you also goes s usual to all those who always make the day a success.

The Celebrant for January will be Fr Peter Joseph, Parish Priest of St Mel’s, Campsie.

This will be celebrated from 17th to 24th December. For anyone wanting to have their intentions added please fill out a form either on the side table or online and send it in.

Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the monthly working bee. All your help is greatly appreciated. The next working bee will be on Saturday 15th February 2025. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

The next morning tea up at the Old Monastery will be Sunday 22nd December 2024. All Welcome.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has returned from his compassionate leave. We continue to pray for him and his family.


Tuesday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
No Vigil Mass
11:15pm – Christmas Carol service in the Shrine Church

Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day)
12am – Midnight Mass
11am – Mass of Christmas Day

Octave of Christmas (Thurs 26th, Fri 27th, Sat 28th, Mon 30th, Tues 31st):
11am Mass in the Shrine Church

Octave of Christmas (Sunday 29th):
8am, 9:30am & 11am English Masses in the Shrine Church

Tuesday 31st December (New Years Eve)
11pm – Exposition and Holy Hour in Thanksgiving for 2024

Wednesday 1st January 2025
12am – Midnight Mass for the New Year
11am – Mass in the shrine Church

The usual Penrose Park Schedule continues from the Thursday 2nd January

Confessions before Christmas
Confession will be available on the weekends of 14th/15th & 21st/22nd
half an hour before and after each scheduled Mass. Appointments can be made as well.

Announcements for the 2nd Sunday of Advent

Here are the announcements for the 2nd Sunday of Advent, the 8th of December:

The Celebrant for December will be Fr Albert Wasniowski OSPPE, assistant Priest of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield.

From next weekend, slips will be available for anyone who would like their intentions added to the annual Christmas novena. This will be celebrated from 17th to 24th December.

Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the monthly working bee. All your help is greatly appreciated. The next working bee will be on Saturday 14th December. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

After the working bee on Saturday 14th December about 1:30pm. There will be a BBQ to Thank all our volunteers for their efforts in helping the Pauline Fathers in keeping the Shrine running. This invitation is for all volunteers of Penrose Park whether its on a regular or irregular basis, all efforts are appreciated. For those wishing to attend please RSVP to Fr Richard by Wednesday 11th December.

The next morning tea up at the Old Monastery will be Sunday 22nd December 2024. All Welcome.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has returned from his compassionate leave. We continue to pray for him and his family.


Tuesday 24th December (Christmas Eve)
No Vigil Mass
11:15pm – Christmas Carol service in the Shrine Church

Wednesday 25th December (Christmas Day)
12am – Midnight Mass
11am – Mass of Christmas Day

Octave of Christmas (Thurs 26th, Fri 27th, Sat 28th, Mon 30th, Tues 31st):
11am Mass in the Shrine Church

Octave of Christmas (Sunday 29th):
8am, 9:30am & 11am English Masses in the Shrine Church

Tuesday 31st December (New Years Eve)
11pm – Exposition and Holy Hour in Thanksgiving for 2024

Wednesday 1st January 2025
12am – Midnight Mass for the New Year
11am – Mass in the shrine Church

The usual Penrose Park Schedule continues from the Thursday 2nd January

Confessions before Christmas
Confession will be available on the weekends of 14th/15th & 21st/22nd
half an hour before and after each scheduled Mass. Appointments can be made as well.


The Most Rev Brian Mascord, Bishop of Wollongong, has issued a letter for the coming Jubilee year.

Announcements for the 1st Sunday of Advent

Here are the announcements for the 1st Sunday of Advent, the 1st of December:

The Celebrant for December will be Fr Albert Wasniowski OSPPE, assistant Priest of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield.

From next weekend, slips will be available for anyone who would like their intentions added to the annual Christmas novena. This will be celebrated from 17th to 24th December.

Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the monthly working bee. All your help is greatly appreciated. The next working bee will be on Saturday 14th December. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

After the working bee on Saturday 14th December about 1:30pm. There will be a BBQ to Thank all our volunteers for their efforts in helping the Pauline Fathers in keeping the Shrine running. This invitation is for all volunteers of Penrose Park whether its on a regular or irregular basis, all efforts are appreciated. For those wishing to attend please RSVP to Fr Richard by Wednesday 11th December.

The next morning tea up at the Old Monastery will be Sunday 22nd December 2024. All Welcome.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has taken compassionate leave to spend with his parents, especially his father who is very unwell. Please keep his parents in your prayers during this time.
While Fr Marek is away, Fr Richard has stepped in as acting Parish administrator with fr Joseph Maria assisting. Please note that appointments are important if you wish to see any of the Fathers as they may be occupied going about both Shrine and Parish matters.

Announcements for the Solemnity of Christ the King

Here are the announcements for the Solemnity of Christ the King, the 24th of November:

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls. It is our duty to pray for them especially those who have no one to pray for them. This is our Catholic obligation. During November, Masses will be celebrated for our dearly departed from the 1st to the 30th November. May they rest in Peace. Amen.

The next morning tea up at the Old Monastery will be Sunday 22nd December 2024. All Welcome.

The Celebrant for December will be Fr Albert Wasniowski OSPPE, assistant Priest of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield.

Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the monthly working bee. All your help is greatly appreciated. The next working bee will be on Saturday 14th December. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

After the working bee on Saturday 14th December about 1:30pm. There will be a BBQ to Thank all our volunteers for their efforts in helping the Pauline Fathers in keeping the Shrine running. This invitation is for all volunteers of Penrose Park whether its on a regular or irregular basis, all efforts are appreciated. For those wishing to attend please RSVP to Fr Richard by Wednesday 11th December.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

The Catholic Development Fund, Wollongong have issued the Shrine with three new Tap n Go’s. These new devices are 4&5G compatible and work of WiFi. The great new feature on the devices is that the donor can decide how much they would like to give. There are four standard offerings ($5, $10, $20 & $50). There is also a option to allow donors to give other amounts ranging from $1.00 up to $99.99 as per the standard tap n go usage issued by all banks. Please note on the lower right hand side is a button to activate the terminal if it goes to sleep as the devices also have a power saving function. Please make use of these new terminals as every cent helps keep the Shrine running.
A huge Thank You to all pilgrims for your generosity and your on going support of the Shrine and the Pauline Fathers and Brothers. God bless!

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has taken compassionate leave to spend with his parents, especially his father who is very unwell. Please keep his parents in your prayers during this time.
While Fr Marek is away, Fr Richard has stepped in as acting Parish administrator with fr Joseph Maria assisting. Please note that appointments are important if you wish to see any of the Fathers as they may be occupied going about both Shrine and Parish matters.

Announcements for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 17th of November:

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls. It is our duty to pray for them especially those who have no one to pray for them. This is our Catholic obligation. During November, Masses will be celebrated for our dearly departed from the 1st to the 30th November. May they rest in Peace. Amen.

This morning 17th November after Mass there will be morning tea up at the old Monastery, all welcome.

This week Br Luke has returned from annual leave whilst Br Augustine has gone on annual leave. We wish Br Augustine a happy and safe time away to enjoy his time with friends and family.

A very big THANK YOU to Fr Sean Cullen for accepting our invitation to be main celebrant and homilist for Fatima Day, November 13th. As usual the day was a success though the procession didn’t take place due to the storms but the procession took place inside the Church following the Shrine’s usual First Saturday format.

The Celebrant for December will be Fr Albert Wasniowski OSPPE, assistant Priest of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield.

Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the monthly working bee. All your help is greatly appreciated. The next working bee will be on Saturday 14th December. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

After the working bee on Saturday 14th December about 1:30pm. There will be a BBQ to Thank all our volunteers for their efforts in helping the Pauline Fathers in keeping the Shrine running. This invitation is for all volunteers of Penrose Park whether its on a regular or irregular basis, all efforts are appreciated. For those wishing to attend please RSVP to Fr Richard by Wednesday 11th December.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

The Catholic Development Fund, Wollongong have issued the Shrine with three new Tap n Go’s. These new devices are 4&5G compatible and work of WiFi. The great new feature on the devices is that the donor can decide how much they would like to give. There are four standard offerings ($5, $10, $20 & $50). There is also a option to allow donors to give other amounts ranging from $1.00 up to $99.99 as per the standard tap n go usage issued by all banks. Please note on the lower right hand side is a button to activate the terminal if it goes to sleep as the devices also have a power saving function. Please make use of these new terminals as every cent helps keep the Shrine running.

A huge Thank You to all pilgrims for your generosity and your on going support of the Shrine and the Pauline Fathers and Brothers. God bless!

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has taken compassionate leave to spend with his parents, especially his father who is very unwell. Please keep his parents in your prayers during this time.
While Fr Marek is away, Fr Richard has stepped in as acting Parish administrator with fr Joseph Maria assisting. Please note that appointments are important if you wish to see any of the Fathers as they may be occupied going about both Shrine and Parish matters.

Announcements for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 10th of November:

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls. It is our duty to pray for them especially those who have no one to pray for them. This is our Catholic obligation. During November, Masses will be celebrated for our dearly departed. To have names included please fill out the November Mass forms found on the side table of the Church or found on the Shrine website. Masses for the Holy Souls will be celebrated from the 1st to the 30th November.

Please note that on this date there will only be Masses in the Roman Rite at 8am and 11am. The Chaldean community who run the St Zaia Chapel, have the Patriarch of their Church visiting and have requested use of the Shrine Church. Therefore their Mass will be at 9am. Thank you for your understanding. St Zaia, pray for us.

This week Br Luke will be returning from annual leave whilst Br Augustine will be going on annual leave. We wish Br Augustine a happy and safe time away to enjoy his time with friends and family.

The main celebrant for this months celebration is the Very Reverend Sean Cullen, Parish Priest of Bowral / Mittagong and Episcopal Vicar of Clergy in the Diocese of Wollongong. Fr Sean also celebrates this year his 40th anniversary of Ordination. Please come along and participate in the celebrations.

The next working bee will be on Saturday 16th November. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

The next morning tea will be, Sunday 17th November, all welcome. Come along & bring a plate to share.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

The Catholic Development Fund, Wollongong have issued the Shrine with three new Tap n Go’s. These new devices are 4&5G compatible and work of WiFi. The great new feature on the devices is that the donor can decide how much they would like to give. There are four standard offerings ($5, $10, $20 & $50). There is also a option to allow donors to give other amounts ranging from $1.00 up to $99.99 as per the standard tap n go usage issued by all banks. Please note on the lower right hand side is a button to activate the terminal if it goes to sleep as the devices also have a power saving function. Please make use of these new terminals as every cent helps keep the Shrine running.

A huge Thank You to all pilgrims for your generosity and your on going support of the Shrine and the Pauline Fathers and Brothers. God bless!

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has taken compassionate leave to spend with his parents, especially his father who is very unwell. Please keep his parents in your prayers during this time.
While Fr Marek is away, Fr Richard has stepped in as acting Parish administrator with fr Joseph Maria assisting. Please note that appointments are important if you wish to see any of the Fathers as they may be occupied going about both Shrine and Parish matters.

Announcements for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements for the 31stSunday in Ordinary Time, the 3rd of November:

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls. It is our duty to pray for them especially those who have no one to pray for them. This is our Catholic obligation. During November, Masses will be celebrated for our dearly departed. To have names included please fill out the November Mass forms found on the side table of the Church or found on the Shrine website. Masses for the Holy Souls will be celebrated from the 1st to the 30th November.

ALL SOULS DAY (Saturday 2nd November)
The Masses this day in particular will commemorate and pray for all the Holy Souls. Masses will be celebrated in the Shrine Church at 8am, 11am and 3pm. Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Please note that on this date there will only be Masses in the Roman Rite at 8am and 11am. The Chaldean community who run the St Zaia Chapel, have the Patriarch of their Church visiting and have requested use of the Shrine Church. Therefore their Mass will be at 9am. Thank you for your understanding. St Zaia, pray for us.

The main celebrant for this months celebration is the Very Reverend Sean Cullen, Parish Priest of Bowral / Mittagong and Episcopal Vicar of Clergy in the Diocese of Wollongong. Fr Sean also celebrates this year his 40th anniversary of Ordination. Please come along and participate in the celebrations.

The next working bee will be on Saturday 16th November. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

The next morning tea will be, Sunday 17th October, all welcome. Come along & bring a plate to share.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

The Catholic Development Fund, Wollongong have issued the Shrine with three new Tap n Go’s. These new devices are 4&5G compatible and work of WiFi. The great new feature on the devices is that the donor can decide how much they would like to give. There are four standard offerings ($5, $10, $20 & $50). There is also a option to allow donors to give other amounts ranging from $1.00 up to $99.99 as per the standard tap n go usage issued by all banks. Please note on the lower right hand side is a button to activate the terminal if it goes to sleep as the devices also have a power saving function. Please make use of these new terminals as every cent helps keep the Shrine running.

A huge Thank You to all pilgrims for your generosity and your on going support of the Shrine and the Pauline Fathers and Brothers. God bless!

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has taken compassionate leave to spend with his parents, especially his father who is very unwell. Please keep his parents in your prayers during this time.
While Fr Marek is away, Fr Richard has stepped in as acting Parish administrator with fr Joseph Maria assisting. Please note that appointments are important if you wish to see any of the Fathers as they may be occupied going about both Shrine and Parish matters.

Announcements for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 27th of October.

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls. It is our duty to pray for them especially those who have no one to pray for them. This is our Catholic obligation. During November, Masses will be celebrated for our dearly departed. To have names included please fill out the November Mass forms found on the side table of the Church or found on the Shrine website. Masses for the Holy Souls will be celebrated from the 1st to the 30th November.

This morning after Mass, Sunday 27th October, all are welcome up to the Old Monastery to have some morning tea.

ALL SOULS DAY (Saturday 2nd November)
The Masses this day in particular will commemorate and pray for all the Holy Souls. Masses will be celebrated in the Shrine Church at 8am, 11am and 3pm. Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Please note that on this date there will only be Masses in the Roman Rite at 8am and 11am. The Chaldean community who run the St Zaia Chapel, have the Patriarch of their Church visiting and have requested use of the Shrine Church. Therefore their Mass will be at 9am. Thank you for your understanding. St Zaia, pray for us.

The next working bee will be on Saturday 16th November. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From November 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

Many of the older pilgrims to the Shrine may remember Fr Janusz. He is responsible for the building of the Monastery and the Shrine Church that we know today. Thanks to his efforts we are able to celebrate Mass and the sacraments in a building fit for the greater glory of God and the Pauline community are comfortable in a Monastery build to serve God in the Priesthood and Religious life. After decades of work in Australia, Fr Janusz has made the decision to retire back to Poland. This came into effect on 19th September 2024. He is going to Jasna Gora, the Mother House of the Order and will enjoy his retirement years with the other Fathers and Brothers.
Thank you to Fr Janusz for his years of service to the Church in Australia and we pray, through the intercession of Our Lady, that his retirement be restful and fruitful.

The Catholic Development Fund, Wollongong have issued the Shrine with three new Tap n Go’s. These new devices are 4&5G compatible and work of WiFi. The great new feature on the devices is that the donor can decide how much they would like to give. There are four standard offerings ($5, $10, $20 & $50). There is also a option to allow donors to give other amounts ranging from $1.00 up to $99.99 as per the standard tap n go usage issued by all banks. Please note on the lower right hand side is a button to activate the terminal if it goes to sleep as the devices also have a power saving function. Please make use of these new terminals as every cent helps keep the Shrine running.

A huge Thank You to all pilgrims for your generosity and your on going support of the Shrine and the Pauline Fathers and Brothers. God bless!

Announcements for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 20th of October:

Fatima day was celebrated last Sunday and was a great success. The weather was perfect and Mass was celebrated outside. All up, it was estimated that about 4000 people came for the day.

A huge Thank you to Archbishop Charles Balvo for accepting the invitation to be the main Celebrant and homilist. May the Lord Jesus through the intercession of Our Lady of Mercy continue to bless his ministry as he continues to represent the Holy Father and the Holy See.

Also a big Thank you to One Equal music for accepting our invitation to sing at the Mass and to perform a concert to conclude the 40th Anniversary celebrations of the Shrine.

Thank you also goes to all volunteers and helpers who made todays celebrations possible and constantly support the Shrine in their various capacities. May God bless you one and all.

Thank you also to Raylene Jones and her team for keeping the toilets clean and stocked with supplies during a very busy day as well as the SES for keeping vigil to ensure any medical episode is attended to, thankfully nothing major occurred.

The celebrant for Fatima day in November is going to be Very Reverend Sean Cullen, Parish Priest of Bowral/Mittagong and Vicar for Clergy of the Diocese of Wollongong.

The next working bee will be on Saturday 16th November. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls. It is our duty to pray for them especially those who have no one to pray for them. This is our Catholic obligation. During November, Masses will be celebrated for our dearly departed. To have names included please fill out the November Mass forms found on the side table of the Church or found on the Shrine website. Masses for the Holy Souls will be celebrated from the 1st to the 30th November.

The next morning tea will be on Sunday 27th October.

The Fathers and Brothers of the Australian Province gathered at the beginning of the month for the annual retreat. The Retreat took place in Marian Valley (Canungra, Queensland), from Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October. A big THANK YOU to Fr Brian Harrison for looking after the Shrine during this period. Please keep the Pauline Order in your prayers.

Many of the older pilgrims to the Shrine may remember Fr Janusz. Fr Janusz is responsible for the building of the Monastery and the Shrine Church that we know today. Thanks to his efforts we are able to celebrate Mass and the sacraments in a building fit for the greater glory of God and the Pauline community are comfortable in a Monastery build to serve God in the Priesthood and Religious life.
After decades of work in Australia, Fr Janusz has made the decision to retire back to Poland. This came into effect on 19th September 2024. He is going to Jasna Gora, the Mother House of the Order and will enjoy his retirement years with the other Fathers and Brothers.

Thank you to Fr Janusz for his years of service to the Church in Australia and we pray, through the intercession of Our Lady, that his retirement be restful and fruitful.

Announcements for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Here are the announcements for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, the 13th of October:

A huge Thank you to Archbishop Charles Balvo for accepting the invitation to be todays main Celebrant and homilist. May the Lord Jesus through the intercession of Our Lady of Mercy continue to bless his ministry as he continues to represent the Holy Father and the Holy See.

Also a big Thank you to One Equal music for accepting our invitation to sing at the Mass and to perform a concert to conclude the 40th Anniversary celebrations of the Shrine.

Thank you also goes to all volunteers and helpers who made todays celebrations possible and constantly support the Shrine in their various capacities. May God bless you one and all.

The celebrant for Fatima day in November is going to be Very Reverend Sean Cullen, Parish Priest of Bowral/Mittagong and Vicar for Clergy of the Diocese of Wollongong.

The next working bee will be on Saturday 16th November. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls. It is our duty to pray for them especially those who have no one to pray for them. This is our Catholic obligation. During November, Masses will be celebrated for our dearly departed. To have names included please fill out the November Mass forms found on the side table of the Church or found on the Shrine website. Masses for the Holy Souls will be celebrated from the 1st to the 30th November.

The next morning tea will be on Sunday 27th October.

The Fathers and Brothers of the Australian Province gathered at the beginning of the month for the annual retreat. The Retreat took place in Marian Valley (Canungra, Queensland), from Monday 30th September to Friday 4th October. A big THANK YOU to Fr Brian Harrison for looking after the Shrine during this period. Please keep the Pauline Order in your prayers.

Many of the older pilgrims to the Shrine may remember Fr Janusz. Fr Janusz is responsible for the building of the Monastery and the Shrine Church that we know today. Thanks to his efforts we are able to celebrate Mass and the sacraments in a building fit for the greater glory of God and the Pauline community are comfortable in a Monastery build to serve God in the Priesthood and Religious life.
After decades of work in Australia, Fr Janusz has made the decision to retire back to Poland. This came into effect on 19th September 2024. He is going to Jasna Gora, the Mother House of the Order and will enjoy his retirement years with the other Fathers and Brothers.