March Working Bee – Saturday 15th

Please consider coming along to our working bee on Saturday the 15th of March and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome.

During the working bee this month, we are going to focus on a variety of maintenance tasks. What is attempted depends on who attends and their interests. The list includes:

  • Trimming bushes and plants.
  • Cleaning gutters.
  • Fixing some sunken pavers.
  • Cleaning the chapels.
  • Transplanting plants.
  • Painting.
  • Fixing a fence.
  • General cleanup.

It would greatly assist in planning if anyone interested in coming would let Fr Joseph Maria know what projects they might be interested in working on. It is not expected that we will be able to start or finish the whole list.

If you have tools that can help with the particular task you are interested in, you are encouraged to bring them along.

The program for the day would be:

  • Mass at around 8:15am in the Shrine Church
  • Begin work at 9am at the back of the property
  • Lunch around 1:30pm
  • Finish around 3:30pm (for those that can stay the whole day).

The Fathers and Brothers pray for the intentions of volunteers to the Shrine everyday.

Feburary Working Bee – Saturday 15th

Please consider coming along to our working bee on Saturday the 15th of Febuary and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome.

During the working bee this month, we are going to focus on a variety of maintenance tasks. What is attempted depends on who attends and their interests. The list includes:

  • Tidying up the leftover bricks from the building project.
  • Trimming bushes and plants.
  • Cleaning gutters.
  • Painting around the entrance.
  • Fixing some sunken pavers.
  • Cleaning the chapels.
  • Moving plants.
  • Edging a garden.
  • Trimming the grass off the drive.

It would greatly assist in planning if anyone interested in coming would let Fr Joseph Maria know what projects they might be interested in working on. It is not expected that we will be able to start or finish the whole list.

If you have tools that can help with the particular task you are interested in, you are encouraged to bring them along.

The program for the day would be:

  • Mass at around 8:15am in the Shrine Church
  • Begin work at 9am at the back of the property
  • Lunch around 1:30pm
  • Finish around 3:30pm (for those that can stay the whole day).

The Fathers and Brothers pray for the intentions of volunteers to the Shrine everyday.

The offical inauguration of the Jubille Year

This Sunday 12th January, at the 11 am Mass, Bishop Brian came to officially inaugurate the Jubilee year at Penrose Park. Bishop Brian Mascord, Bishop of Wollongong, has appointed 5 Churches as official pilgrimage sites during this year of Jubilee, and of course, Penrose Park is one of those five. We would like to greatly thank him for both coming today and giving us this privilege for this year.

Therefore during this year, anyone coming on pilgrimage to the Shrine can gain themselves a Plenary indulgence (full remission of sin and the punishments incurred) by fulfilling the usual requirements: visiting the Shrine, Confession, Mass with Holy Communion and prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father.

This is a great honour for the Shrine and we welcome all our pilgrims to come along and celebrate the Jubilee year. Events will be planned throughout the year so please stay tuned to our website and social media for more information. God bless you all!

Some photos of the day are below.

Offical Inauguartion of the Jubilee Year

Dear friends, Bishop Brian Mascord, Bishop of Wollongong has appointed 5 Churches as offical pilgrimage sties during this year of Jubilee and of course Penrose Park is one of those five.

This Sunday, 12th January, at the 11 am Mass, Bishop Brian will be coming to officially inaugurate the Jubilee year at Penrose Park.

Therefore during this year, anyone coming on pilgrimage to the Shrine can gain themselves a Plenary indulgence (full remission of sin and the punishments incurred) by fulfilling the usual requirements.

Visiting the Shrine, Confession, Mass with Holy Communion and prayers for the intentions of the Holy Father.

This is a great honour for the Shrine, and we welcome all our pilgrims to come and celebrate the Jubilee year. Events will be planned throughout the year, so please stay tuned to our website and social media for more information. God bless you all!

Novena to St. Paul the First Hermit

The Novena to St. Paul the First Hermit (Patriarch of the Pauline Order) will take place from Monday 6th January to Tuesday 14th January at the 11am Masses (inclusive of Sunday). For those wishing to include intentions for the novena (these will be place upon the High Altar), slips can be found at the side table of the Church. Intentions can be left in one of the offering boxes in the Church, handed back to one of the Fathers or Brothers or put into the collection basket. Intentions can also submitted online on the St Paul Novena page.

Decmeber Working Bee and Volenteers Christmas BBQ – Saturday 14th

Please consider coming along to our working bee on Saturday the 14th of December and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome.

During the working bee this month we are going to focus on a variety of maintenance tasks. The list includes:

  • Trimming bushes.
  • Cleaning gutters.
  • Painting around the shop and entrance.
  • Fixing some sunken pavers.
  • Cleaning the chapels.
  • Edging a garden.
  • Trimming the grass off the drive.

It would greatly assist in planning if anyone interested in coming would let Fr Joseph Maria know what projects they might be interested in working on. It is not expected that we will be able to start or finish the whole list.

If you have tools that can help with the particular task you are interested in, you are encouraged to bring them along.

The program for the day would be:

  • Mass at around 8:15am in the Shrine Church
  • Begin work at 9am
  • Volenteers Christmas BBQ around 1:30pm

The Fathers and Brothers pray for the intentions of volunteers to the Shrine everyday.

November Working Bee – Saturday 16th

Please consider coming along to our working bee on Saturday the 16th of November and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome.

During the working bee this month we are going to focus on a variety of maintenance tasks. The list includes:

  • Trimming bushes.
  • Cleaning gutters.
  • Painting around the shop and entrance.
  • Fixing some sunken pavers.
  • Cleaning the chapels.
  • Moving plants.
  • Edging a garden.
  • Trimming the grass off the drive.

It would greatly assist in planning if anyone interested in coming would let Fr Joseph Maria know what projects they might be interested in working on. It is not expected that we will be able to start or finish the whole list.

If you have tools that can help with the particular task you are interested in, you are encouraged to bring them along.

The program for the day would be:

  • Mass at around 8:15am in the Shrine Church
  • Begin work at 9am at the back of the property
  • Lunch around 1:30pm
  • Finish around 3:30pm (for those that can stay the whole day).

The Fathers and Brothers pray for the intentions of volunteers to the Shrine everyday.