Solemnity of Our Lady of Mercy

This weekend, we are celebrating the Shrines Feast with the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mercy. Please take note of the following schedule.

Saturday 24th August: 5pm – Holy Hour and Vespers in the Shrine Church

Sunday 25th August: 8am – Low Mass of Our Lady of Mercy followed by Exposition
9:30am Mass – CANCELLED
11am – Solemn High Mass of Our Lady of Mercy
Celebrant: Bishop Columba MacBeth-Green OSPPE DD
5pm – Solemn Vespers 1 for our Lady of Mercy (Traditional form)

Monday 26th August: 9am – Solemn Lauds of our Lady of Mercy followed by Exposition
11am – Solemn Mass of Our Lady of Mercy
Celebrant: Fr Richard Green OSPPE

Novena to Our Lady of Mercy

This Saturday, August 17th, we start our Novena to Our Lady of Mercy, the Black Madonna to whom the main Shrine Church is dedicated.

If you wish to have your intentions included in the Novena, you can still do so using the options at the following link:

The Novena to Our Lady of Mercy will conclude with a Tridum to celebrate the Solemnity. The program for these celebrations are as follows:

Saturday 24th August: 5pm – Holy Hour and Vespers in the Shrine Church

Sunday 25th August: 8am – Low Mass of Our Lady of Mercy followed by Exposition
9:30am Mass – CANCELLED
11am – Solemn High Mass of Our Lady of Mercy
Celebrant: Bishop Columba MacBeth-Green OSPPE DD
5pm – Solemn Vespers 1 for our Lady of Mercy (Traditional form)

Monday 26th August: 9am – Solemn Lauds of our Lady of Mercy followed by Exposition
11am – Solemn Mass of Our Lady of Mercy
Celebrant: Bishop Columba MacBeth-Green OSPPE DD

August Working Bee – Saturday 17th

During our monthly working bee on the 3rd Saturday of the month (17 of August), we are going to continue cleaning up the dead wood around the chapels at the back of the property. The goal of doing so will be:

  • We want our shrine to look as beautiful as possible and to be spiritually uplifting to the pilgrims who come.
  • Enure that should a bush fire ever come our way, we are as prepared as possible by removing the fuel load.
  • The general safety of those who walk around the Shrine property.

The program for the day would be:

  • Mass at around 8:15am in the Shrine Church
  • Begin work at 9am at the back of the property
  • BBQ lunch around 1:30pm
  • Finish around 5:30pm (for those that can stay the whole day).

The work will include collecting small branches and large logs, loading them in a trailer, and piling them up in an open field to be burnt.

Solid shoes and gloves would be a must. Anyone who can bring a chainsaw to help cut up logs or a trailer to help move them is encouraged to bring them.

Triduum for the Solemnity of our Lady of Mercy

Saturday 24th August: 5pm – Holy Hour and Vespers in the Shrine Church

Sunday 25th August: 8am – Low Mass of Our Lady of Mercy followed by Exposition
9:30am Mass – CANCELLED
11am – Solemn High Mass of Our Lady of Mercy
Celebrant: Bishop Columba MacBeth-Green OSPPE DD
5pm – Solemn Vespers 1 for our Lady of Mercy (Traditional form)

Monday 26th August: 9am – Solemn Lauds of our Lady of Mercy followed by Exposition
11am – Solemn Mass of Our Lady of Mercy
Celebrant: Bishop Columba MacBeth-Green OSPPE DD

Good Friday Passion Play Photos

Here is a selection of photos from the Reenactment of the Lord’s Passion we had on Good Friday.

Other upcoming events at the shrine are First Saturday devotions on the 6th of April, Divine Mercy Sunday on the 7th of April, and Fatima Day on the 13th of April. Here is the programs for each.

6th April – First Saturday

  • 10 am Devotional Talk
  • 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
  • 11 am Mass
  • 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church

7th April – Divine Mercy

  • 2pm – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Spiritual talk
  • 2:20pm – Silent Adoration
  • 2:40pm – Chaplet, Litany and Prayer of Divine Mercy
  • 3pm – Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Conclusion

13th April – Fatima Day

  • 10 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
  • 10:30 am Rosary
  • 11 am Solemn Mass
  • 12 noon Lunch
  • 1:30 pm Eucharistic Procession to the Gotto while reciting the Rosary.
  • 2 pm Prayers and Devotions at the Gotto, and blessing of pilgrims.

Divine Mercy Sunday – Holy Hour

On Divine Mercy Sunday, the Sunday Mass schedule will be as per normal, Solemn Mass at 11am.

There will be a Holy Hour from 2pm-3pm in the Shrine Church. The Schedule is:

  • 2pm – Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Spiritual talk
  • 2:20pm – Silent Adoration
  • 2:40pm – Chaplet, Litany and Prayer of Divine Mercy
  • 3pm – Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament & Conclusion

After the conclusion, there will be the blessing of religious articles and devotionals purchased from the religious shop or brought along for the occasion

Divine Mercy Altar in the Shrine Church

Divine Mercy Sunday and Novena

Here are the times when the Novena to Divine Mercy will be said in the Shrine in the lead-up to Divine Mercy Sunday, when a Holy Hour will be kept from 2 pm.

If you would like your intentions included in the Novena, please go here.

Good Friday (29th March)
5 pm – Novena to Divine Mercy

Holy Saturday (30th March)
11:30 am – Novena to the Divine Mercy

Easter Sunday (31st March)
8 am, 9:30 am & 11 am Mass
Divine Mercy Novena – immediately following each of the Masses

Easter Octave (1st-6th April)
11 am Mass followed by the Novena to the Divine Mercy.

Divine Mercy Sunday (7th April)
8 am & 9:30 am
11 am – Solemn Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday
2 pm – Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Confession available)

March Working Bee

The working bee this month will focus on the gardens around the Old Monastery. There are parts of our up coming Good Friday Passion Play that are at the Old Monastery, so we are looking to clean the area up as much as we can.

The program for the day would be:

  • Mass at around 8:15 am in the Shrine Church
  • Begin work at 9 am at the back of the property
  • BBQ lunch around 1:30 pm

The work will be everything from removing weeds and trimming plants and mulching the garden.

Solid shoes and gloves would be