Today we were honoured by the presence of Bishop Brian Mascord for the installation of Fr. Richard Green as Rector of the Shrine.
Blessing of New Religious Shop
Video invitation to the Re-enactment of Our Lord’s Passion 2023
Fr. Richard and Fr. Joseph Maria would like to invite everyone to come to the Re-enactment of Our Lord’s Passion this Good Friday, 11 am on the 7th of April, at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy. There are no restrictions this year, and everyone is welcome to come.
Installation of Fr. Richard as Rector of the Diocesan Shrine
Please join us on Sunday the 26th of March at 11 am for the solemn installation of Fr. Richard Green OSPPE as Rector of the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy – Penrose Park by Bishop Brian Mascord DD Bishop of Wollongong.
First Saturday Devotions
In the below video Fr. Joseph Maria talks about the new program for the First Saturday Devotions at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park that will start on the 1st of April 2023.
Novena to St. Joseph starts this Saturday
This Saturday we will begin our Novena in honour of St. Joseph in preparation for his Solemnity which this year is on the 20th of March. If you have not yet mailed in your intention for this Novena it is not too late you can now do so online. Just go over to our St. Joseph Novena Page.
Good Friday Passion Play 2023
The Passion Play will happen this year on Good Friday 7th of April 2023. More details will follow soon, but for now, we wish to let everyone know that there will be no limits on the number of people attending. Everyone will be welcome. There will be no tickets required to enter.
Please do invite all your friends and family to come. We pray that after the last few difficult years, this will again be the event that it has become known to be, a special moment to reflect deeply on what Christ did to save us from our sins.
Installation of Fr. Richard as Prior of the Monastery
Yesterday, Friday the 10th of February Fr. Richard Green was installed as Prior of the Monastery at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park by Fr. Jarek Zan, Provincial of the Australian Province of the Order of St. Paul the First Hermit. We congratulate Fr. Richard and pray that God gives him all the graces and blessings he needs in his new role.