Blessing of Candles on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

On the feast of the Presentation of the Lord there is an ancient tradition of blessing of candles that will be used during liturgies during the year.

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Sunday 2nd of February 2025, there will be the traditional blessing of candles at all Masses. People are welcome to bring their own candles that they use at their home altars to be included in the blessing.

Blessing of Throats

On Monday 3rd of February 2025, Feast of Saint Blaise, the traditional blessing of throats against sickness, will happen during the 11 am Mass. The blessing uses two candles that were blessed on the Feast of the Presentation.

Photos of the Funeral of Fr Gabriel

Yesterday we shared some photos from the Vigil. Today, we have some photos to share from the Funeral of Fr Gabriel Taylor, which was on the 20th of June.

O Lord, God of mercy, we pray that you may welcome your deceased Servant and our Brother Gabriel Taylor, that he may share in the glory of Your Resurrection with you and your Saints, Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.