Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy - Penrose Park

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First Saturday & Lenten Retreat

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

Saturday, the 5th of April, we will have our First Saturday Devotions in Honour of Our Lady, as she requested during the apparitions at Fatima. In addition for the Lenten Season, we will have an extended program to turn the day into a full-day Lenten retreat. The program will be as follows: 10 am Lenten…

Working Bee – April

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

The next working bee will be on Saturday 12th April. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or…

Palm Sunday – Fatima Day

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

8am - Mass commencing from the front door of the Monastery 9:30am - CANCELLED 11am - Solemn Mass with Procession commencing from the Statue of St John Paul Please bring along palm fronds or olive branches. This day is also Fatima day, the usual schedule will be followed: 10 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament…

Holy Thursday

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

No Mass at 11am 6pm - Solemn Mass of the Lord’s Supper (with washing of the feet and procession to the Altar of Repose) Adoration at the Altar of Repose - until midnight

Good Friday – Passion Play

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

The annual reenactment of the Lord’s Passion (Passion Play) will take place in the Shrine, commencing at 11am on Good Friday 18th April. Please note, this is free and open to all, no bookings need to be made. Good Friday is also a day of Fasting and abstinence, Pilgrims are allowed to picnic on site…

Holy Saturday

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

Adoration at the Altar of Repose - 8am to Midday 8:30am - Lauds (Prayer of the Church) 11:30am - Novena to the Divine Mercy 6pm - Solemn Mass of the Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

8am, 9:30am & 11am - Solemn Mass of Easter Sunday Divine Mercy Novena - immediately following each of the Masses

Divine Mercy Sunday

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

8am & 9:30am - Mass 11am - Solemn Mass of Divine Mercy Sunday 2pm - Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Confession available)