Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy - Penrose Park

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First Saturday

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

Saturday, the 7th of December, we will be having our First Saturday Devotions in Honour of Our Lady, as she asked for during the apparitions at Fatima. The program will be as always:

Working Bee

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

The next working bee will be on Saturday 16th November. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or…

Fatima Day – November

Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy Penrose Park

The main celebrant for this month's celebration is the Very Reverend Sean Cullen, Parish Priest of Bowral / Mittagong and Episcopal Vicar of Clergy in the Diocese of Wollongong. Fr Sean also celebrates this year his 40th anniversary of Ordination. Please come along and participate in the celebrations. The program will be as usual: