How can I help to make the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy a more beautiful, convenient and functional place for pilgrims?
The Pauline Fathers have always adopted the philosophy that the Marian Shrines under their care are primarily a place of devotion to Our Lady and, through her to her son Jesus Christ, a destination for the pilgrimages of the faithful, where peace and tranquillity can be found.
Penrose Park is no exception, and the beauty we see here is for the benefit of all. As such, it has been created through the generosity of the pilgrims who have come here in large numbers over the years.
The Pauline Fathers are conscious that the Shrine’s continuing development cannot be maintained without pilgrims’ extraordinary devotion. What the future holds, none of us can predict. But one thing is very sure – the development of the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy at Penrose Park still needs your prayers and financial support. We are grateful to everyone who has helped in so many ways, and you are all remembered daily in our prayers.
If you can help us, please print one of the forms above, complete and return it to our shrine, or you can make a direct transfer to our account or you can Donate Online.
BSB: 062 576
Account No: 00910786
Name of Account:
Order of St Paul the Hermit.
Reference for Direct Deposit: Development
(Please note: we do not have the approval to make these donations tax deductible.)
With your help, we hope that some of the following improvements will be possible to realise:
- To start building the Pilgrim Hall.
- To pay for the surface sealing of the road through the property.
- To continue to landscape the surrounds of the international chapels.
- To improve the facility for the religious shop.
- To purchase liturgical vessels & vestments (e.g. chasubles, chalices etc.).