Announcements for the 1st Sunday of Advent

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Here are the announcements for the 1st Sunday of Advent, the 1st of December:

The Celebrant for December will be Fr Albert Wasniowski OSPPE, assistant Priest of St Gertrude’s Parish, Smithfield.

From next weekend, slips will be available for anyone who would like their intentions added to the annual Christmas novena. This will be celebrated from 17th to 24th December.

Thank you to everyone who came along to help with the monthly working bee. All your help is greatly appreciated. The next working bee will be on Saturday 14th December. Please consider coming along and helping in keeping the Shrine beautiful for our local area and the pilgrims that visit. This Shrine is a treasure to the Order, Diocese and country, any help and forms of talent are always most welcome. For more information or specifics, please speak to Fr Joseph Maria, Subprior.

After the working bee on Saturday 14th December about 1:30pm. There will be a BBQ to Thank all our volunteers for their efforts in helping the Pauline Fathers in keeping the Shrine running. This invitation is for all volunteers of Penrose Park whether its on a regular or irregular basis, all efforts are appreciated. For those wishing to attend please RSVP to Fr Richard by Wednesday 11th December.

The next morning tea up at the Old Monastery will be Sunday 22nd December 2024. All Welcome.

ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (1st & 3rd Sunday’s of the month)
From December 2024, there will be an opportunity for Pilgrims to have some quiet time in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This will be on the First and Third weeks of the month from 12:15pm – 1:15pm. As always it is important to have custodians to keep vigil of the Blessed Sacrament, so if there are any volunteers looking to commit please let Fr Richard know.

Fr Marek, Parish Priest of Moss Vale has taken compassionate leave to spend with his parents, especially his father who is very unwell. Please keep his parents in your prayers during this time.
While Fr Marek is away, Fr Richard has stepped in as acting Parish administrator with fr Joseph Maria assisting. Please note that appointments are important if you wish to see any of the Fathers as they may be occupied going about both Shrine and Parish matters.


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