Easter 2023

Christ has Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia.

“This season of Easter is an opportunity for us to truly be grateful for the gifts that God gives us, our life, our faith, our family and our friends. Let it be an opportunity for us not to just throw away all our Lenten disciplines but allow it to be an opportunity for us to truly appreciate the gifts that God gives us every day.” – Fr. Richard’s Easter Message.

Upcoming events:

Easter Thursday – Fatima Day – 13th of April: ( normal Fatima day schedule, Divine Mercy Novena at Devotions at grotto).

Divine Mercy Sunday – 16th of April: Mass times as usual 8 am Mass, 11 am Mass followed by the chaplet of Divine Mercy. Divine Mercy Holy Hour 2 pm – 3 pm at Divine Mercy side altar.

Fr. Richard Green

Prior’s Easter Message 20223

Easter Message of Fr. Richard Green, Prior of the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy – Penrose Park.

Forty days ago, we commenced the season of Lent with fasting, prayer and arms giving. We have struggled, we have strived, we have failed, and we have succeeded in our Lenten observances. We have now celebrated Holy Week, the Lord’s entrance triumphant into Jerusalem, his last meal with the disciples in the upper room – the institution of the Eucharist and the ordained priesthood – we walked the Way of the Cross. We stood at the foot of the cross with Mary and Saint John. At Calvary, we waited outside the front of the tomb, and now we welcome the Risen Christ, glorious triumphant, and of course, we celebrate our salvation, the forgiveness of our sins – the Ransom paid by Christ on the cross. This season of Easter is an opportunity for us to truly be grateful for the gifts that God gives us, our life, our faith, our family and our friends. Let it be an opportunity for us not to just throw away all our Lenten disciplines but allow it to be an opportunity for us to truly appreciate the gifts that God gives us every day.

There are so many things that make up our lives, and many of those things we take for granted. The whole season of Lent was to allow us to channel those energies to nourish that relationship with God and to greater appreciate those things that God gives us. This season of Easter is an opportunity for us to celebrate, and what person doesn’t like a celebration? This is the celebration of forgiveness. This is salvation. This is us being able to continue nourishing that relationship we have with God through thanksgiving and to pray for the gifts and Graces to be that witness of the Gospel in our circumstances of life. My dear friends, pilgrims, and benefactors, the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy is an oasis for the people of God and other people of different denominations to escape the rat race of life to just spend a few moments in nature, but above all in the presence of almighty God and His Blessed Mother. On behalf of the Pauline fathers here at Penrose Park, at The Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy, I would like to extend to you and your families a very happy and blessed Easter. May the Risen Lord continue to bless you in your lives, and we look forward to welcoming you here to our Shrine as we celebrate this great season of Easter. All the very best, God bless, thank you.


Fatima Day April

Next week will be our Monthly Fatima Day on Thursday, the 13th of April. Fr Wojciech Sliwa, OSPPE, Parish Preist of Merrylands, will be our Main Celebrant.

The program for the day is as follows:

  • 10 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions
  • 10:30 am Rosary
  • 11 am Solemn Mass
  • 12 noon Lunch
  • 1:30 pm Procession to the Gotto while reciting the Blessed Sacrament.
  • 2 pm Prayers and Devotions at the Gotto, and blessing of pilgrims.
Main Altar of the Shrine Church

Holy Thursday

Tomorrow – the 6th of April – is Holy Thursday.

There will be no morning Mass at the Shrine (The only morning Mass on Holy Thursday is a Chrism Mass with the Bishop). Instead, there will be a Holy Hour from 11 am – 12 noon.

The Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be at St Paul’s Moss Vale at 6 pm. Adoration at the Altar of Repose 7 – 9 pm.

Jesus dies on the Cross

Passion Play Dress Rehearsal

Over the weekend, the team behind The Re-enactment of Our Lord’s Passion – The Good Friday “Passion Play” did their dress rehearsal at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy – Penrose Park. Photos by Giovanni Portelli are below.

The re-enactment, a retelling of the Passion of the Lord, the Stations of the Cross with actors doing the parts, will be this coming Good Friday at 11 am. There will be NO limits on the numbers. Everyone can come.

At 3 pm on Good Friday, there will be the service of the Commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion ( In Shrine Church) After the beginning of the Novena to Divine Mercy and Adoration of the Cross. Church closes at 7 pm.

Palm Sunday Blessing of Palms

Palm Sunday 2023

Holy Week has now begun with Palm Sunday, which was celebrated with a procession to commemorate the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem, starting outside the church.

Mass times for Holy Week and beyond are as follows:

Holy Week Schedule:

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 6th of April: at St Paul’s Moss Vale at 6 pm

Adoration at the altar of Repose 7 – 9 pm

Good Friday – 7th of April: (day of Fasting and Abstinence – No Meat)

11 am Re-enactment of Lord’s Passion ( Passion Play)

3 pm Commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion ( In Shrine Church)

After the commencement of Novena to Divine Mercy and Adoration of the Cross.  Church closes at 7 pm.

Holy Saturday – 8th of April: No morning Mass. Adoration of the cross 9-12 pm, concluding with  Novena to Divine Mercy.

Easter Vigil: 6 pm

Easter Sunday, 9th of April: Mass times as usual, 8 am English Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena, 9:30 am Polish Mass, 11 am English Mass

Easter Octave:

Easter Monday: 11 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena. 

Easter Tuesday: 11 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena

Easter Wednesday: 11 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena.

Easter Thursday – Fatima Day – 13th of April: ( normal Fatima day schedule, Divine Mercy Novena at Devotions at grotto). 

Easter Friday and Easter Saturday: 11 am Mass followed by Novena to Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Sunday – 16th of April: Mass times as usual 8 am Mass, 11 am Mass followed by the chaplet of Divine Mercy.  9:30 am Polish Mass with chaplet to follow.

Divine Mercy Holy Hour 2 pm – 3 pm at Divine Mercy side altar.

Divine Mercy Altar in the Shrine Church

Easter Mass Times 2023

Palm Sunday – 2nd of April:

Mass times as usual, 8 am, 9:30 am Polish, and 11 am, with a procession to commemorate the Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem, starting outside the church.

Holy Week Schedule:

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 6th of April: at St Paul’s Moss Vale at 6 pm

Adoration at the altar of Repose 7 – 9 pm

Good Friday – 7th of April: (day of Fasting and Abstinence – No Meat)

11 am Re-enactment of Lord’s Passion ( Passion Play)

3 pm Commemoration of Our Lord’s Passion ( In Shrine Church)

After the commencement of Novena to Divine Mercy and Adoration of the Cross.  Church closes at 7 pm.

Holy Saturday – 8th of April: No morning Mass. Adoration of the cross 9-12 pm, concluding with  Novena to Divine Mercy.

Easter Vigil: 6 pm

Easter Sunday, 9th of April: Mass times as usual, 8 am English Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena, 9:30 am Polish Mass, 11 am English Mass

Easter Octave:

Easter Monday: 11 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena. 

Easter Tuesday: 11 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena

Easter Wednesday: 11 am Mass followed by Divine Mercy Novena.

Easter Thursday – Fatima Day – 13th of April: ( normal Fatima day schedule, Divine Mercy Novena at Devotions at grotto). 

Easter Friday and Easter Saturday: 11 am Mass followed by Novena to Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Sunday – 16th of April: Mass times as usual 8 am Mass, 11 am Mass followed by the chaplet of Divine Mercy.  9:30 am Polish Mass with chaplet to follow.

Divine Mercy Holy Hour 2 pm – 3 pm at Divine Mercy side altar.