Here is the video of the talk on Our Lady as the new Ark of the Covenant given by Fr Joseph Maria Buckley during the First Saturday Devotions for September. The next First Saturday is the 7th of October.
First Saturday of September
This Saturday, 2nd of September, we have our Monthly First Saturday devotions.
The program is as follows:
- 10 am Devotional Talk
- 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
- 11 am Mass
- 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church
Attached are some photos from last month.
First Saturday August 2023 Talk
Talk on the Our Lady of Jasna Gora, the Black Madonna given by Fr. Joseph Maria Buckley during the August First Saturday devotions.
The next First Saturday is the 2nd of September. The program will be as usual:
- 10 am Devotional Talk
- 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
- 11 am Mass
- 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church
It is planned that the talk will be a reflection on the Feast of the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which happens on the 8th of September.
First Saturday – August
A reminder that tomorrow we will be celebrating our First Saturday Devotions in the Shrine. The program will be as follows:
- 10 am Devotional Talk
- 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
- 11 am Mass
- 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church
The Devotional Talk will be given by Fr. Joseph Maria on the Black Madonna, whose feast day is later this month on the 26th of August.
July First Saturday Talk
Fr. Richard’s talk on the Angelus was given during the Shrine’s First Saturday Devotions this July.
Our First Saturday Program is as follows:
- 10 am Devotional Talk
- 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
- 11 am Mass
- 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church
First Saturday in July
The First Saturday of July is the 1st of the Month, which is tomorrow. We will have our full First Saturday devotions, for which you can see the schedule below. This month Fr. Richard will present a talk on the Angelus.
- 10 am Devotional Talk
- 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
- 11 am Mass
- 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church
First Saturday June 2023 – Talk on Our Lady Help of Christians
Fr. Joseph Maria’s talk on Our Lady Help of Christians was given during the First Saturday devotions this June.
The Monthly First Saturday devotions schedule is as follows:
- 10 am Devotional Talk
- 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
- 11 am Mass
- 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church
Looking forward to seeing everyone again next time.
May Fatima Day Photos – Part 3 – Panoramic
Here is a final selection of photos from our Fatima Day on May 13th.
The next Marian Celebration we will have at the Shrine will be this Saturday 3rd of June, which is the First Saturday of the Month. The program of the day will be as follows:
- 10 am Devotional Talk (On Our Lady Help of Christians – Partoness of Australia)
- 10:30 am Meditation before the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
- 11 am Mass
- 12-noon Rosary Procession around 5 Altars of the Church
We look forward to seeing everyone again at the Shrine soon.
First Saturday – May 2023
Today, the 6th of May, we celebrated the First Saturday of the month in honour of Our Lady. Fr. Joseph Maria started the devotions at 10 am with a talk on the Rosary, the recording of which is below.
First Saturday, April 2023
Today we started our new First Saturday Program at 10 am with a spiritual talk followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and confession. Mass followed at the daily Mass time of 11 am. After Mass there was a Rosary Procession around five of the side altars in the Church.
You can watch Fr. Joseph Maria’s talk based on the book “True Devotion to Mary” below.