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This page contains a variety of prayers, including Novenas, the Rosary, and the Chaplet of Devine Mercy. prayers to St Joseph and the Black Madonna.

The Holy Rosary Find out more

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy Find out more

A Prayer to Our Lady of Mercy

The Black Madonna
The Black Madonna – Our Lady of Czestochowa

O Mary our dear Lady of Jasna Gora, look graciously
upon your children in this troubled and sinful world.
Embrace us all in your loving and Motherly protection.

Protect our youth from godless way;
assist our dear ones, who have grown old,
to prepare for their journey home;
shield our defenceless unborn from the horrors
of abortion, and be our strength against all sins.

Spare our children from all hatred, discrimination and war.
Fill our hearts, our homes and our world with the peace
and love which comes only from your Son whom you
so tenderly embrace.

O Queen and Mother, be our comfort and strength!
In Jesus name we pray.


A Novena Prayer to Our Lady

Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Fatima

O Holy Virgin,
in the midst of all your glory,
we implore you not to forget the sorrows of this world.

Cast a look of pity upon all those who are suffering,
who struggle against life’s difficulties,
and who cease not to feel all its bitterness.

Have pity on all who have been separated from
those they love.

Have pity on the lonely and the friendless!

Pardon the weakness of our faith.

Have pity on all those whom we love.

O Holy Mother show a mother’s compassion
towards the sorrowful,
to all who pray
and to all who tremble under life’s afflictions
and give them all hope and peace.

Our Lady of Czestochowa,
we implore your intercession,
that by venerating your Miraculous picture,
we may be found worthy of beholding your face in heaven.

Lady of Czestochowa
be to us a mother,
just as we desire to be your children.

V. Our Lady of Czestochowa, Queen of Peace,

Pray for us.

Hymn to the Black Madonna

Black Madonna
Black Madonna

There’s a corner of a country
Which the pilgrims gladly seek
Where in glory hangs the portrait
Of a Queen slashed on the cheek.
She is grieving, She is caring,
She invites us, everyone:
“I’m your Mother, be my daughter,
be my son.”

Madonna, oh Black Madonna
I’m happy your child to be
Oh grant me, oh Black Madonna
That your arms may cradle me.

In your arms we find the refuge
And the warmth of your great love
In your arms we do find hope, joy
And the strength to go through life.
In your arms is found the Saviour
The Bread, The Truth and our Way,
In your arms is found the Peace
For which we search.

Madonna, oh Black Madonna
I’m happy your child to be
Oh grant me, oh Black Madonna
That your arms may cradle me.

A Prayer to Blessed Eusebius

Blessed Eusebius vision of Flames
Blessed Eusebius vision of Flames

Let us pray
Lord God, who bestows glory on His saints, I turn to You and ask that by the intercession of Blessed Eusebius of Esztergom, whose love for You led him to become a hermit and love a life of penitence, that help be given to his people in need. May the prayers of Blessed Eusebius unite the Hungarian people, dispersed throughout the world, just as in Eusebius’ lifetime, when his prayers brought together the hermits into one community and home.
May Eusebius guide the Churches to unity according to the wishes of Your beloved Son.
May the flame of love of the hermit Eusebius burn in the empty lives of the human race and guide parents and children back to the warmth of true family life.
May the search for the truth by the ever-seeking youth find the illumined path along which lies happiness and the true purpose of human life and by which all many come to know You, dear Lord.
May the old and the sick know the light so that through their deep love, they may bear their sorrows and pain and thus by example help their fellow man overcome all suffering.
May the prayers of Blessed Eusebius relieve the shortage of priests in his country, Hungary, and our country, Australia, and may all who have responded to the call of priesthood be faithful till death to the Church, in obedience, chastity and unity.
After a terrible war Blessed Eusebius retreated into the mountains and become a hermit. He did this to help obtain peace though devotion and sacrifice. May the virtues of Eusebius help bring peace to the world and especially to his country Hungary and everywhere where there is violence and anxiety.
Finally, I present to you my personal request:
I ask that though the intercession of Blessed Eusebius for the benefit of every soul and the Church, I ask that this request be granted.
Though the power of Christ Our Lord, Amen.

A Prayer to Our Lady of Czestochowa

The Black Madonna
The Black Madonna – Our Lady of Czestochowa

Holy Mother of Czestochowa, you are full of grace, goodness and mercy. I consecrated to you all my thoughts, words and actions – my soul and body. I beseech your blessings and especially prayers for my salvation.

Today I consecrate myself to you, good Mother, totally – with body and soul amid joy and sufferings, to obtain for myself and others your blessings on this earth and eternal life in heaven.


Our lady of Czestochowa, Queen of Poland, pray for us.

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. I place in you all my interest and desires. Oh, St Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgivings and homage to the most loving of Fathers.

Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you, and Jesus asleep in your arms;
I dare not approach while He responses near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls – Pray for me.

This prayer was found in the fiftieth year of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In 1505 it was sent from the Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. Whoever shall read this prayer or hear it or keep it about themselves, shall never die a sudden death, or be drowned, nor shall poison take effect on them; neither shall they fall into the hands of the enemy, or shall be burned in any fire or shall be overpowered in battle.

Say for nine mornings for anything you may desire. It has never been known to fail, so be sure you really want what you ask.

Invocations to St. Paul, the First Hermit

St Paul the First Hermit
St Paul the First Hermit

Holy Mary, Mother of God and our Mother,

Pray for us.

Holy Mary, Hope for an improved world,
Holy Mary, unfailing help in forming our Christian character,
Our Guardian Angels, who keep guard over our consciences,
St. Paul, father of the Pauline Order,
St. Paul, patriarch of the hermitical life,
St. Paul, lover of solitude,
St. Paul, example of Christian perfection,
St. Paul, mirror of evangelical poverty,
St. Paul, true model of humility,
St. Paul, ornament of purity,
St. Paul, faithful servant of the Eternal King,
St. Paul, defence of the tempted,
St. Paul, inflamed with divine love,
St. Paul, totally dedicated to God,
St. Paul, examplar of sobriety and abstinence,
St. Paul, wholly trusting in God’s Providence,
St. Paul, summit of patience,
St. Paul, man without complaining,
St. Paul, admired by St. Anthony,
St. Paul, commending your spirit to God with hands raised to Heaven,
St. Paul, honoured after death with the service of lions,
St. Paul, buried by St. Anthony,
St. Paul, taken to Heaven by the Angels,

That we may live in a spirit of faith, hope and love,

Intercede to God for us.

That we may abound with good deeds in our daily life,
That we may faithfully fulfil the duties of our state of life,
That we may use the goods of this world with prudence,
That we may unceasingly remember our death and God’s judgment,
That we may follow the Crucified Saviour and be united to his Sorrowful Mother,

V. Pray for us Saint Paul the First Hermit.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:

O God, who wanted that St. Paul, our father, reach a high degree of sanctity through a life of solitude in the desert, grant that, through his intercession we, who are striving to develop in ourselves the spirit of prayer and service, may come ever closer to you in love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.